Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Abortion Babies: What Happens at an Abortion Clinic

Abortion Babies
For some women with a child that is not good for them. There are some circumstances that do not leave their options other than abortion for a pregnancy. When this happens, they go somewhere they feel safe to run this procedure. Therefore, the abortion clinic is available to help women who fear they need help.

Abortion is a term used by the medical terminology for the early termination of a pregnancy. Most people would refer to abortion as a method of using a woman to end a pregnancy. This is called termination under the law and the law to twentieths four months of pregnancy. Abortion clinic is a place that will help women secure the end of her pregnancy.

In the abortion clinic will usually have in the hands of doctors certified to perform the procedure. They will ensure that the implementation of abortion rights does not have consequences for the lives of women. If abortion is not performed correctly, can reduce a woman with one or more pregnancies in the future. This can be an opportunity he had with the children and there are complications in the operation.

Anyone can come to the abortion clinic and get help they need. Sometimes young girls find themselves pregnant and they do not want their parents to know. For some cases, the abortion clinic in May, which continues to proceed in faith and their parents not to call

Most of the time abortions that are performed in clinics that have been successful. They performed without complications and women are free to have children later in their lives when they are ready. Counselors are available to women who work through their mental and physical problems as well. It is important for women to know that they will not be punished for their choice. This is a choice and not all their lives. They must learn to forgive themselves and control their lives from that point on.

Abortion clinic is not to say that abortion is a method of birth control. This is not recommended that she have the abortion every time they do not want to have a baby. There should be a good development, so that they can use the appropriate method of birth in the future. This is something that can help women when they visit the clinic.

There are some who protest at the clinic because of religion. This is a personal choice and that should not affect a woman considering an abortion at the abortion clinic.

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Abortion Babies : Abortion and Post Abortion Syndrome

Abortion Babies

Post-Abortion Syndrome is a form of post-traumatic stress disorder. The process of making an abortion choice, the procedure and live with the sadness, pain and regret is certainly at its core, traumatic. As with any trauma, individuals often try to "forget" the test and reject or ignore anything that can cause pain. Quite a lot is not related to the circumstances they experienced miscarriage. At some point, however, weather and memories of loss of this truth may no longer be denied. During this time, the pain of post-abortion syndrome expressed itself in the hearts millions of people.

The symptoms of post abortion syndrome will not necessarily appear at the same time, nor is likely that any woman will experience the entire list. Some may occur immediately after an abortion and others much later. If you can identify with more than two of these symptoms, it could be that you are experiencing post-abortion syndrome.

Below are the symptoms that describe post-abortion syndrome, as described by Dr. Paul and Teri Reisser in their book, Help for the Post-Abortive Woman (now entitled A Solitary Sorrow):

1. Guilt. Guilt is what an individual feels when she has violated her own moral code. For the woman who has come to believe, at some point either before or after the abortion, that she consented to the killing of her unborn child, the burden of guilt is relentless. There is little consolation to offer the woman who has transgressed one of nature's strongest instincts: the protection a mother extends to her young. In fact, many post-abortive women believe that any unhappy events that have occurred since the abortion were inevitable because they "deserve it."

2. Anxiety. Anxiety is defined as an unpleasant emotional and physical state of apprehension that may take the form of tension, (inability to relax, irritability, etc.), physical responses (dizziness, pounding heart, upset stomach, headaches, etc.), worry about the future, difficulty concentrating and disturbed sleep. The conflict between a woman's moral standards and her decision to abort generates much of this anxiety. Very often, she will not relate her anxiety to a post-abortion syndrome abortion, and yet she will unconsciously begin to avoid anything having to do with babies. She may make excuses for not attending a baby shower, skip the baby aisle at the grocery store and so forth.

3. Psychological "numbing." Many post-abortive women maintain a secret vow that they will never again allow themselves to be put in such a vulnerable position. As a result, often without conscious thought, they may work hard to keep their emotions in tight check, preventing themselves from feeling the pain of what has happened, but also greatly hampering their ability to form and maintain close relationships. Cut off even from themselves, they may feel as though their lives were happening to another person.

4. Depression and thoughts of suicide. All of us experience depression from time to time, but the following forms of it are certainly common in women who have experienced abortion:

  • Sad mood--ranging from feelings of melancholy to total hopelessness.
  • Sudden and uncontrollable crying episodes--the source of which appear to be a total mystery.
  • Deterioration of self-concept--because she feels wholly deficient in her ability to function as a "normal" woman. Sleep, appetite, and sexual disturbances--usually in a pattern of insomnia, loss of appetite and/or reduced sex drive.
  • Reduced motivation--for the normal activities of life. The things that occupied her life before the depression no longer seem worth doing.
  • Disruption in interpersonal relationships--because of the general lack of enthusiasm for all activities. This is especially evidenced in her relationship with her husband or boyfriend, particularly if he was involved in the abortion decision.
  • Thoughts of suicide--or preoccupation with death. Not surprisingly, in a study done by the Elliot Institute some 33% of post-abortive women surveyed reached a level of depression so deep that they would rather die than go on.

5. Anniversary syndrome. In the survey reference previously, some 54% of post-abortive women report an increase of post-abortion syndrome symptoms around the time of the anniversary of the abortion and/or the due date of the aborted child.

6. Re-experiencing the abortion. A very common event described by post-abortive women is the sudden distressing, recurring "flashbacks" of the abortion episode, often occurring during situations that resemble some aspect of the abortion, such as a routine gynecological exam, or even the sound of a vacuum cleaners suction. "Flashbacks" also occur in the form of recurring nightmares about babies in general or the aborted baby in particular. These "dreams" usually involve themes of lost, dismembered or crying babies.

7. Preoccupation with becoming pregnant again. A significant percentage of women who abort become pregnant again within one year, and many others verbalize the desire to conceive again as quickly as possible. The new baby, sometimes referred to as the "atonement baby," may represent an unconscious desire to replace the one that was aborted.

8. Anxiety over fertility and childbearing issues. A common post abortion syndrome symptom in women is a fear that they will never again become pregnant or be able to carry a pregnancy to term. Some expect to have handicapped children because they have "disqualified themselves as good mothers." Many refer to these fears as punishments from God.

9. Interruption of the bonding process with present and/or future children. Fearing another devastating loss, a post-abortive woman may not allow herself to truly bond with other children. Another common reaction is to atone for her actions toward the aborted child by becoming the world's most perfect mother to her remaining or future children. Likewise, the woman who already had children at the time of her abortion may discover that she is beginning to view them in a different light. At one extreme, she may unconsciously devalue them, thinking things like, "you were the lucky one. You were allowed to live." Or she may go in the opposite direction and become overly protective.

10. Survival guilt. Most women do not abort for trivial reasons. They are usually in the midst of a heartbreaking situation whereby they stand to lose much if they choose to carry their pregnancies to term. In the end, the decision boils down to a sorrowful "It's me or you, and I choose me." But while the abortion frees them from their current trauma, it frequently produces in them an unrelenting guilt for choosing their own comfort over the life of the child.

11. Development of eating disorders. Some post-abortive women developed anorexia or bulimia. While this phenomenon remains largely unexplored at this time, several factors may contribute to it. First, a substantial weight gain or severe weight loss is associated with unattractiveness, which reduces the odds of becoming pregnant again. Second, becoming unattractive serves as a form of self-punishment and helps perpetuate the belief that the woman is unworthy of anyone's attention. Third, extremes in eating behavior represent a form of control for the woman who feels her life is totally out of control. And finally, a drastic weight loss can shut down the menstrual cycle, thus preventing any future pregnancies.

12. Alcohol and drug abuse. Alcohol and drug use often serve initially as a form of self-medication--a way of coping with the pain of the abortion memories. Sadly, the woman who resorts to alcohol and/or drugs eventually finds herself having not only more problems but also fewer resources with which to solve them. The mental and physical consequences of alcohol or drug abuse only amplify most of the symptoms the woman is already experiencing.

13. Other self-punishing or self-degrading behaviors. In addition to eating disorders and substance abuse, the post-abortive woman may also enter in abusive relationships, become promiscuous, and fail to take care of herself medically or deliberately hurt herself emotionally and/or physically.

14. Brief reactive psychosis. Rarely, a post-abortive woman may experience a brief psychotic episode for two weeks or less after her abortion. The break with reality and subsequent recovery are both extremely rapid, and in most cases the person returns completely to normal when it is over. While this is an unusual reaction to abortion, it bears mentioning only because it is possible for a person to have a brief psychotic reaction to a stressful even without being labeled a psychotic individual. During such and episode, the individual's perception of reality is drastically distorted. These individuals should be referred to the care of a professional.

There are many other angles of post-abortive pain. But for everyone who has chosen abortion -- regardless of the circumstances surrounding this decision and number of abortions -- there is good news! Thousands of us who have chosen abortion have found healing when we finally stopped running from these memories. The same peace that I have found is available for you!

For most individuals, abortion is a closely held secret. Rarely do we talk about this pain with family or friends. This is because of feelings like fear of judgment, guilt, shame and grief. In reading this article you have taken a step of great courage. My prayer is that this won't be your first step but the beginning of a journey that will lead to restoration and healing.

Ramah International, Inc. was founded by Sydna A. Masse, a post-abortive woman who experienced God's healing touch eleven years after her abortion through a crisis pregnancy center's ministry program. Upon hearing a recent statistic from the research arm of the largest abortion provider in the world that "... 43% of women will experience abortion at least once by the age of 45 years," she began efforts to minister directly to these hearts.

If you've had an abortion, and feel like you are the "only one" experiencing pain, understand that you are not alone. Please visit our website at for more in depth information and many resources that will offer you direction and healing.

Previous to her work through Ramah, Sydna served Dr. James C. Dobson as the Manager of Focus on the Family's Crisis Pregnancy Ministry. Through her seven years directing that ministry, she saw first-hand the limited resources available to mothers, fathers, grandparents and siblings touched by an abortion decision. Her first effort to reach these hearts is available through a new book -- Her Choice to Heal: Finding Spiritual and Emotional Peace After Abortion, which is currently available in most Christian bookstores.

If you have suffered from a past abortion decision, or know someone dealing with this pain, help is available. Contact Ramah International for more information.

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Thursday, May 21, 2009

Abortion Babies: Aborted Babies Used in Russian Wrinkle Treatment

Abortion Babies

How can one prevent an abortion

1) Abstinence

2) If abstinence is not practical, use safe birth control methods - Although there are many Christians who believe sex is only for the purpose of procreation, I believe sex can also be used as the deepest physical expression of love for your partner, even if your goal at the moment is not to have children. Therefore using safe birth control methods for this purpose would be one way in avoidance one to consider having an abortion because of an unwanted pregnancy. And I also believe that there is nothing in Scripture that prohibits one from using such an approach.

3) Allowing pregnancies to come to term, and then putting the unwanted children up for adoption, if still unwanted. The following are thoughts on adoption:

1. Steven says: In the U. S. there are 5 regulations to be eligible for adoption. They are: 1) You must be over 18 years of age, 2) You must be a resident of your state for 5 years, 2) You must be able to provide financially for the child, 4) You must be able to provide a safe home for the child, and 5) You cannot have been convicted of a felony. Notice! It no longer matters if you're single, married, gay, over a certain age, or the same race as the child. However, there are unspoken prejudices that are practiced by social workers who do not agree with this criteria. The laws may say they cannot discriminate, but they find ways around it. Also there is much extortion by those responsible for placing children up for adoption. I've experienced this personally. I finally did find a place where I could adopt at reasonable cost and with a limited waiting period. It's called "Special Link" in South Carolina, and their mission is to finds homes for those kids who are hard to place. It took us just one month to adopt a child. What a blessing.

2. Janet says: There are plenty of couples who would love to adopt children but can't because there aren't enough, due to abortion. I've experience this with my teenage daughter who wanted to put her baby up for adoption and found so many applicants waiting to be considered by her, as she wanted to engage in this process personally. However, I do think that the adoption laws should be refined and more importance should be put on love available instead of money. Kids don't need their own room with a TV and VCR - they need parents to love and care for them. I think the foster parenting system should be revamped also and adoption laws changed to side with the child more than birth parents. Too many people have children and abuse them, but the gov't won't take them away from them permanently because they gave birth to them. Big deal! My opinion is that birth parents should be given a set amount of time to straighten out, or the children should be put up for adoption. I have seen so many kids moved from foster home to foster home because the birth mother is fighting off drug addiction, alcoholism, schizophrenia, etc. The mother never straightens out and the children never find a home and grow up as messed up as their mother.

3. Corbin says: I don't advocate abortion, but even with abortion, I still see many unwanted kids out there.

4. Janet says: Corbin, I think you really have to define what you mean by "unwanted". As I said before, there are children whose birth parents don't want them, but that doesn't mean no one wants them. Heck. If it were possible, I would take all of them.

5. Sylvia says: I think that if the laws and restrictions on adoptions were not so strict, then more people would adopt. The system is only hurting the children, not helping them. A couple has to wait a long time for the adoption to take place, resulting in babies of today becoming young kids.

6. Janet says. One of the problems in adopting is that the monetary restrictions are so tough that many loving people just can't afford to adopt any child.

7. James says: Only a small percentage of those applying to adopt actually are allowed to adopt. The social workers involved are really implying that about 75% of the population are not fit to be parents.

4) Be more loving with more open communication, and less condemnation by surrounding relationships.

5) Gender Equality - If the woman is not given the same opportunity in all aspects of life, they would be thought of more as individuals rather than as sex objects, therefore reducing the possibilities of their having many unwanted pregnancies.

6) Mixed Nudity - If mixed nudity were less frowned upon, curiosity about the nakedness of the woman's body would be less of a reason for males to be sexually driven toward having sex with women that could produce many unwanted pregnancies. I know in my 3 year stint at a nudest camp I noticed that after a while I never viewed anybody as being naked; I just saw them as individuals




1) John says: I'm against all abortions, even to save the life of the mother because the unborn child still has no say in the decision, and the power of prayer is more decisive than a medical opinion.

2) Corbin says: I personally would only choose abortions after an in-depth counseling session or sessions to make sure that the parties involved fully understand that an abortion was not the only possible alternative for them. I'm generally not in favor of abortions, but as a paradox it seems that in leaving the option open for a woman to have an abortion, you will have fewer and safer abortions. This is because legal options give you the freedom to make a choice, and when you have this, you more often are more relaxed to make the right choice. Without legal choice, you more often become desparate and make the wrong choice. Also, as more and more unwanted babies (by their more immediate relationships) are being born, you're also paving the way for more potential future conflict being created by the unwanted, as well.

3) Jonathon says: I think Bill Clinton once said that abortion should be legal, safe, and rare, and it is the latter we need to work on - perhaps more concentration, not on trying to avoid women in choosing abortion as a legal option, but on the avoidance of unwanted pregnancies.

4) Sarah says: Deciding who gets aborted and under what circumstances is playing God. I am one of those unwanted babies and so is my husband. How on earth could anyone have really known 3 decades ago that it would have been for the best to abort us. We have had AWESOME lives and contributed much to society. We are both highly educated, responsible individuals. We have both known from early childhood of our difficult beginnings, and been greatly loved by our adoptive parents. Yes, our moms had a rough 9 months carrying us and then I am sure, a difficult time in giving us up. But in exchange for those inconveniences, we have lead incredible lives.

5) James says: My cousin and his wife were expecting their second child, but tests revealed that the fetus had some severe deformities. Most of the brain never developed, the gastro-intestinal tract was external, rather than internal, and the spine was severly deformed. The doctors assured them that the child would never live more than a month, would never be sentient, and might actually experience some pain. Also, the cost to care for such a child for even a few days would be astronomical. But rather than abort, they decided to have the baby, and everything happened just as the doctors had said. The deformities were awful, and it was obvious the baby was in pain. It died in just about a month, and cost a bundle. It was a horrible series of events to witness. I can't even imagine what the parents might have felt. In that case, I honestly would have favored an abortion. That's why I remain pro-choice. Every situation is different, and ultimately, the choice is an individual one.

6) Jennifer says: I have walked into planned parenthood clinics to get birth control/pregnancies tests, etc, and it really bothered me when you see young girls in there bragging about this being their third abortion. It angers me because this is immoral.

7) Shirley says: I'm in favor of women being allowed to choose, though I'd prefer avoidance where possible.

8) Jane says: I fully support an absolute ban on all abortions for any reason. I think if Christians put their faith and trust in God, there would be no need for abortions. If a woman does find herself impregnated for any reason, however, and her life is in danger as a result, she should still lay down her life for the unborn, if necessary. "Whoever will save her life, will lose it, and whoever will lose her life, will save it". A quote from Jesus Christ.

9) David says: There is no place for an abortion in this society.

10) Grace says: What about a case where the child is already dead in the womb, or a case where you have an esoteric pregnancy where there's no chance the child will survive a birth procedure, and in both cases, it could be life threatening to the mother?

11) Frank says: I am pro-choice, not pro-abortion. We want abortions to stop just as everyone else would. But I feel I don't have the right to tell anyone else what choice they should make.

12) Joan says: Frank, that argument doesn't go very far in life. You may not think we have a choice in telling people what to do, but take into consideration that we have laws and rules everywhere we go in life. If telling someone they can't murder someone else isn't a good stance to take, I don't know what is.

13) Frank says: You're right, Vicki, but the ultimate answer is to find ways to avoid people from ever getting into a situation where they would even consider the option of having an abortion.

14) Corbin says: Sometimes I feel Pro-Choicers are more concerned with the quality of life, whereas Pro-Lifers (so-called) are more concerned with the quantity of life.

A 2nd Internet question that I asked on the web sites was whether one should believe in bombing abortion clinics and/or killing abortion activists. Most suggested that two wrongs don't make a right, while one lone individual agreed with this supposition, and stated many believe in capital punishment for murderers.


1) Jim says: Life begins at conception. And that's a scientific fact.

2) Steven says: Of course, if one believes in reincarnation, than the ramifications of this question are fairly pointless. And what about belief in the immortal soul - if the soul is immortal, then this life is, again, fleeting.

3) Jonathon says: Oh WOW, you do go for the easy questions, don't you! I dont' think there is a straightforward answer to this. Life at conception is potential not actual, in the sense of being able to survive independently.

4) Sarah says: I believe life begins at conception. What animates living things. It is sustained by breathing. When a child is in the mother's womb, its life is sustained by the oxygen (obtained by her breathing) in her blood. When it is born it is sustained by its own breathing.

5) James says: On a personal level I have always considered it no earlier than that the fetus could survive outside the womb. Perhaps what worries me most about the idea of making a person a legal person is how it affects the rights of the mother as a human being. For instance , if the mother miscarries, and the fetus is legally a person, then won't every mother who miscarries have to be investigated and tried for reckless endangerment, manslaughter, or even murder. It's this nightmare that really worries me.

6) Andrew says: Someone once said "Life is nothing but a slither of light in between two immensities of darkness". But I believe that life really begins when we are able to live independently in God's creation.

7) James says: Life actually begins when God can see your substance. But life as known by the individual does not really begin until there is a consciousness of things around you and you truly begin to relate to living.


The author suggests that Scripture should not be read out of context to prove a point, and that there is no place in the Bible that points to the fact that the fetus is a human being., only a potential human being.

1) Psalm 139:13-16 indicates that God is very much involved in our creation, but not that the fetus is actually a human being.

2) Jeremiah 1:4-10 indicates that God knew Jeremiah before he was even conceived suggesting that if you consider the fetus as a human being, it must have been a human being before conception.

3) Jeremiah 1:4-10, & Luke 1:39-41 indicates that these verses only relate to Jeremiah & John the Baptist.

4) Ecclesiastes 4:1-3 suggests it might be better to abort than to cause one to live a miserable life-

5) Numbers 3:15 A census was taken of those who were only over 1 month old indicating that fetuses were not considered human beings in Biblical times.


The names of the commentarians, except for myself, have been changed to protect the privacy of the Internet contributors, but their comments are accurate.


I was born in New York City in 1931, grew up on Long Island, graduated from Roanoke College in Virginia with a BA in Political Science, from New York Theological Seminary with a Masters in Religious Education. I became a committed Christian in 1958, and after a number of years became a committed Ecumenical Christian. I worked as an accountant in various companies for about 25 years in New York City, then moved down to Argentina and worked for about 21 years as a Business English converstionalist teacher with some of the top managers. I also became a Stephen Minister (trained counselor) while down here. I've been married twice (the last to an Argentine), widowed once, have no children, but one cat. If you want to contact me, you can via (

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Abortion Babies: This Is The Answer To Your Question On Abortion

Abortion Babies

Before we proceed with this question we must first find out the meaning of the word abortion. What is abortion? Abortion is the premature termination of a pregnancy by taking a foetus from its mother’s womb. Abortion can be induced or may be spontaneous.

Medically induced abortion: this is where a woman consents to a doctor terminating the life of her unborn child.

It may be medically advised, as in cases where the doctor feel conditions exist that could endanger the life of the mother or child.

Women who accidentally become pregnant and do not want to bring such a child into the world might also choose to have such babies aborted. Abortion is very common among the young women of our generation due to sexual promiscuity.
Spontaneous abortion.This is where a woman is pregnant and miscarries lost the baby. Many reasons are given to the road.

The abortion I will be discussing here is induced abortion - where a woman deliberately decides to terminate the life of the child in her womb.

The first statement I will make here is that, “Abortion is wrong before God.” Yes, each time a life is brutally taken away, it grieves God For the Bible clearly says: “Thou shall not kill.” (Exodus 20: 13)

This question came up because I discovered that a lot of women in the church were worried because the abortion they had had before becoming Christians still haunted them.

They also felt a sense of guilt about it. They were also afraid that God may deny them children. It is right to feel guilt about abortion because abortion itself is wrong. But when you have repented forgive yourself.

Where a woman deliberately takes the life of her unborn offspring that is wrong. It is a fact that criminal abortions usually performed by quack doctors in haste in ill-equipped clinics are many times more dangerous to the mother than normal childbirth.

It is the general testimony of legitimate physicians that even though the mother survives the shock of this terrible outrage against God and nature, she is often doomed to a life of suffering and misery - physically, mentally and morally. Hence the guilt experienced by so many of my sisters in the Lord, who have had one or more abortions.

Today I want to bring you the good news that, while abortion is wrong and a sin against God, the blood of Jesus Christ, which He shed on the Cross for you has dealt with that abortion..

The power of the blood of Jesus that you deleted all separated from God. The same blood that Jesus shed for those who deal with all sin, and you by his blood.

God does not remember your sins (abortions), not one of them. For the Bible declares what the Lord says: “...for I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more.” (Jeremiah 31: 34).

Every sin is forgotten by the blood of Jesus. Every sin has been washed away and this gives you unlimited access to the very throne room of God.

For the Bible says: “Now in Christ Jesus, you, who once were far away, have been brought near through the blood of Christ.” (Ephesians 2: 13) The blood of Jesus has restored your relationship and fellowship with God.

You stand before God as a righteous person; the Bible says that the blood that the sinless Son of God shed for you makes you perfect.

Today I want to encourage you, my beautiful sisters, to let go. At times it is more difficult for us to forgive ourselves because God has already forgiven us.

Forgive yourself and put that guilt under the blood of Jesus Christ and serve God with peace of mind. For who the Lord shall set free is free indeed.

Secondly now that you are a Christian you are now in the family of God and the Bible declares all things are yours. In the Family of God, your Father is the Father who will never give His child a stone for bread.

You have a Father who loves you with an everlasting love, a Father who gave His best in Jesus Christ to redeem you from sin and death. You are a blessed woman, in the family of God no one shall be childless.

I want you to know today that IF you can will forgive yourself and ask God to heal or bless you with children, He will surely bless you. For the Bible says that He who ASK receives. Remember God has forgiven you and He loves you. God bless you.

Now Say A prayer To God In faith:

I ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name. I bring an offering of praise and I come before you with worship in the splendour of your holiness. All the nations you have made will come and worship before you, O Lord; they will bring glory to your name.

I bow down in worship. I kneel before you Lord my Maker. I tremble before you. and I bless you.
I exalt the Lord my God and worship at his holy mountain, for the Lord my God is holy. Father I thank you forgiving me of all my sin. I accept your love.
Bless me with children of my own. Take away infertility from my life and settle me in my own home as a happy mother of children.

Veronica Anusionwu has devoted a portion of her life to bringing spiritual solutions from the bible to help many people. She is the author of "Woman You Are Not Infertile" a book that has helped many women overcome infertility. Her book "Who Said You Are Too Old To Conceive" covers all area of (Childbirth for the older woman). Sign up for her free weekly newsletter by visiting

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Abortion Babies: Adoption is a Loving Abortion Alternative

Abortion Babies

Anyone considering abortion should be able to make an informed decision and know the facts about abortion. Based on statistics, 1,287,000 abortions were performed in 2003. Since 1976, the abortions performed each year have continually been over 1 million and closer to 1.5 million. Most women (93%) abort their baby for social reasons. Many women don’t feel ready to have a child because of age, finances, or other issues. However, before you even realize you are pregnant there is a baby inside with your genes who is breathing and developing.

Once conception occurs, a baby starts to grow inside. Already, the baby has all the DNA and characteristics set at conception. The baby begins to attach to the uterus wall and within 7-13 days your body may be recognizing a pregnancy and sending a hormone to stop the menstrual cycle. On day 21 the baby’s heart starts beating. By the time you may realize you are pregnant, the baby’s body has started to grow and have an identifiable form. Between weeks 40 to 45, the baby has identifiable arms and legs and displays measurable brain waves. Usually surgical abortions are not performed before seven weeks, or 49 days. Between weeks seven and ten, when the majority of abortions take place, fingers and genitals become visible and the child’s face is recognizably human.

As soon as conception occurs, there is a baby who needs to come out – either in pieces by an abortion or whole and alive through a birth. Although you may be fearful and apprehensive about carrying a baby to full term because it can disturb your lifestyle, there are over 3000 pregnancy clinics throughout the United States that are available to lend a hand. There are many resources available to you through adoption services and pregnancy clinics, including pregnancy tests, counseling, housing, maternity clothes, legal assistance, information about adoption, and medical care. These centers are usually staffed by volunteers and women ready to help you face an unplanned pregnancy. These counselors do not have a financial interest in your decision (unlike abortion clinics), and are genuinely committed to standing by you through this often difficult time, and providing you with not only information, but the support you need. These centers have helped thousands of women realize that they don’t have to choose between their own lives and the lives of their unborn babies.

A normal pregnancy lasts only 40 weeks, a relatively short amount of time in your average lifespan. Carrying your baby to term and then placing your baby for adoption could turn an unexpected “mistake” into a joyful event for a waiting, loving family. Today adoption is sensitive to the mother’s needs. In an open adoption, you can have continual contact with your child and the adoptive parents. Most women choose this option; those who do usually have the healthiest emotional healing after giving the baby up for adoption.

When considering adoption instead of abortion, remember what Mother Teresa said, "The greatest destroyer of love and peace is abortion, which is war against the child. The mother doesn't learn to love, but kills to solve her own problems. Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love, but to use any violence to get what they want."

By choosing adoption you are choosing to give you and your baby options to live a full and happy life. By giving your baby up for adoption, you will be free to pursue your education and your dreams without being financially or socially tied down, as well as having memories of your child’s innocent face and being able to know that you made a couple’s dream come true of having a child to love.

Abortion Babies: Post Abortion Syndrome

Abortion Babies

Post-Abortion syndrome is a form of post-traumatic stress disorder. The process of making an abortion choice, experiencing the procedure and living with the grief, pain and regret is certainly, at its very core, traumatic. As with any trauma, individuals often try to "forget" the ordeal and deny or ignore any pain that may result. Many simply don't relate their distress to the abortion experience. At some point, however, memories resurface and the truth of this loss can no longer be denied. During these moments, the pain of post-abortion syndrome reveals itself in the hearts of millions of lives.

The symptoms of post abortion syndrome will not necessarily appear at the same time, nor is likely that any woman will experience the entire list. Some may occur immediately after an abortion and others much later. If you can identify with more than two of these symptoms, it could be that you are experiencing post-abortion syndrome.

Below are the symptoms that describe post-abortion syndrome, as described by Dr. Paul and Teri Reisser in their book, Help for the Post-Abortive Woman (now entitled A Solitary Sorrow):

1. Guilt. Guilt is what an individual feels when she has violated her own moral code. For the woman who has come to believe, at some point either before or after the abortion, that she consented to the killing of her unborn child, the burden of guilt is relentless. There is little consolation to offer the woman who has transgressed one of nature's strongest instincts: the protection a mother extends to her young. In fact, many post-abortive women believe that any unhappy events that have occurred since the abortion were inevitable because they "deserve it."

2. Anxiety. Anxiety is defined as an unpleasant emotional and physical state of apprehension that may take the form of tension, (inability to relax, irritability, etc.), physical responses (dizziness, pounding heart, upset stomach, headaches, etc.), worry about the future, difficulty concentrating and disturbed sleep. The conflict between a woman's moral standards and her decision to abort generates much of this anxiety. Very often, she will not relate her anxiety to a post-abortion syndrome abortion, and yet she will unconsciously begin to avoid anything having to do with babies. She may make excuses for not attending a baby shower, skip the baby aisle at the grocery store and so forth.

3. Psychological "numbing." Many post-abortive women maintain a secret vow that they will never again allow themselves to be put in such a vulnerable position. As a result, often without conscious thought, they may work hard to keep their emotions in tight check, preventing themselves from feeling the pain of what has happened, but also greatly hampering their ability to form and maintain close relationships. Cut off even from themselves, they may feel as though their lives were happening to another person.

4. Depression and thoughts of suicide. All of us experience depression from time to time, but the following forms of it are certainly common in women who have experienced abortion:

  • Sad mood--ranging from feelings of melancholy to total hopelessness.
  • Sudden and uncontrollable crying episodes--the source of which appear to be a total mystery.
  • Deterioration of self-concept--because she feels wholly deficient in her ability to function as a "normal" woman. Sleep, appetite, and sexual disturbances--usually in a pattern of insomnia, loss of appetite and/or reduced sex drive.
  • Reduced motivation--for the normal activities of life. The things that occupied her life before the depression no longer seem worth doing.
  • Disruption in interpersonal relationships--because of the general lack of enthusiasm for all activities. This is especially evidenced in her relationship with her husband or boyfriend, particularly if he was involved in the abortion decision.
  • Thoughts of suicide--or preoccupation with death. Not surprisingly, in a study done by the Elliot Institute some 33% of post-abortive women surveyed reached a level of depression so deep that they would rather die than go on.

5. Anniversary syndrome. In the survey reference previously, some 54% of post-abortive women report an increase of post-abortion syndrome symptoms around the time of the anniversary of the abortion and/or the due date of the aborted child.

6. Re-experiencing the abortion. A very common event described by post-abortive women is the sudden distressing, recurring "flashbacks" of the abortion episode, often occurring during situations that resemble some aspect of the abortion, such as a routine gynecological exam, or even the sound of a vacuum cleaners suction. "Flashbacks" also occur in the form of recurring nightmares about babies in general or the aborted baby in particular. These "dreams" usually involve themes of lost, dismembered or crying babies.

7. Preoccupation with becoming pregnant again. A significant percentage of women who abort become pregnant again within one year, and many others verbalize the desire to conceive again as quickly as possible. The new baby, sometimes referred to as the "atonement baby," may represent an unconscious desire to replace the one that was aborted.

8. Anxiety over fertility and childbearing issues. A common post abortion syndrome symptom in women is a fear that they will never again become pregnant or be able to carry a pregnancy to term. Some expect to have handicapped children because they have "disqualified themselves as good mothers." Many refer to these fears as punishments from God.

9. Interruption of the bonding process with present and/or future children. Fearing another devastating loss, a post-abortive woman may not allow herself to truly bond with other children. Another common reaction is to atone for her actions toward the aborted child by becoming the world's most perfect mother to her remaining or future children. Likewise, the woman who already had children at the time of her abortion may discover that she is beginning to view them in a different light. At one extreme, she may unconsciously devalue them, thinking things like, "you were the lucky one. You were allowed to live." Or she may go in the opposite direction and become overly protective.

10. Survival guilt. Most women do not abort for trivial reasons. They are usually in the midst of a heartbreaking situation whereby they stand to lose much if they choose to carry their pregnancies to term. In the end, the decision boils down to a sorrowful "It's me or you, and I choose me." But while the abortion frees them from their current trauma, it frequently produces in them an unrelenting guilt for choosing their own comfort over the life of the child.

11. Development of eating disorders. Some post-abortive women developed anorexia or bulimia. While this phenomenon remains largely unexplored at this time, several factors may contribute to it. First, a substantial weight gain or severe weight loss is associated with unattractiveness, which reduces the odds of becoming pregnant again. Second, becoming unattractive serves as a form of self-punishment and helps perpetuate the belief that the woman is unworthy of anyone's attention. Third, extremes in eating behavior represent a form of control for the woman who feels her life is totally out of control. And finally, a drastic weight loss can shut down the menstrual cycle, thus preventing any future pregnancies.

12. Alcohol and drug abuse. Alcohol and drug use often serve initially as a form of self-medication--a way of coping with the pain of the abortion memories. Sadly, the woman who resorts to alcohol and/or drugs eventually finds herself having not only more problems but also fewer resources with which to solve them. The mental and physical consequences of alcohol or drug abuse only amplify most of the symptoms the woman is already experiencing.

13. Other self-punishing or self-degrading behaviors. In addition to eating disorders and substance abuse, the post-abortive woman may also enter in abusive relationships, become promiscuous, and fail to take care of herself medically or deliberately hurt herself emotionally and/or physically.

14. Brief reactive psychosis. Rarely, a post-abortive woman may experience a brief psychotic episode for two weeks or less after her abortion. The break with reality and subsequent recovery are both extremely rapid, and in most cases the person returns completely to normal when it is over. While this is an unusual reaction to abortion, it bears mentioning only because it is possible for a person to have a brief psychotic reaction to a stressful even without being labeled a psychotic individual. During such and episode, the individual's perception of reality is drastically distorted. These individuals should be referred to the care of a professional.

There are many other angles of post-abortive pain. But for everyone who has chosen abortion -- regardless of the circumstances surrounding this decision and number of abortions -- there is good news! Thousands of us who have chosen abortion have found healing when we finally stopped running from these memories. The same peace that I have found is available for you!

For most individuals, abortion is a closely held secret. Rarely do we talk about this pain with family or friends. This is because of feelings like fear of judgment, guilt, shame and grief. In reading this article you have taken a step of great courage. My prayer is that this won't be your first step but the beginning of a journey that will lead to restoration and healing.

Ramah International, Inc. was founded by Sydna A. Masse, a post-abortive woman who experienced God's healing touch eleven years after her abortion through a crisis pregnancy center's ministry program. Upon hearing a recent statistic from the research arm of the largest abortion provider in the world that "... 43% of women will experience abortion at least once by the age of 45 years," she began efforts to minister directly to these hearts.

If you've had an abortion, and feel like you are the "only one" experiencing pain, understand that you are not alone. Please visit our website at for more in depth information and many resources that will offer you direction and healing.

Previous to her work through Ramah, Sydna served Dr. James C. Dobson as the Manager of Focus on the Family's Crisis Pregnancy Ministry. Through her seven years directing that ministry, she saw first-hand the limited resources available to mothers, fathers, grandparents and siblings touched by an abortion decision. Her first effort to reach these hearts is available through a new book -- Her Choice to Heal: Finding Spiritual and Emotional Peace After Abortion, which is currently available in most Christian bookstores.

If you have suffered from a past abortion decision, or know someone dealing with this pain, help is available. Contact Ramah International for more information.

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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Abortion Babies: Should You Consider Abortion?

Abortion Babies

Abortion is one of those topics that never come to end. It is a subject that sparks many emotions and people never agree. Today more and more people are speaking out in regard to abortion. Many opinions will have your mind spin as you explore what your stand is, on abortion. First, let us know exactly what it is. According to the Oxford dictionary, it is the expulsion of a fetus from a womb, before it is able to survive. We all agree on what it is; however, we never agree to do it or not to do it.

Abortion has been accepted by many countries of the west. However, even in places where democracy reigns, there is no absence of controversy. In the United States, many have embraced the rights of a mother to choose to terminate a pregnancy.
The church has been known to make their stand very clear on abortion. Among many other church leaders, Rod parsley the founder of Centre for Moral Clarity has been on the front line against abortion. According to him, killing a fetus is a sin. Statistics have shown that, in the United States over 3,700 abortions are performed by abortionists each day.
Reading through a testimonial, a 24 year old woman had a termination of pregnancy done at 18. According to her, the decision could not have been better. She was able to do the things she wanted like finishing college.

Clearly, many people seem to have gained from abortion. This act is associated with trauma; the trauma comes inform of regret of the deed. There are many reasons why many people choose not to have the children they have conceived.
First, ladies might feel unprepared for the responsibility. This is taking into consideration financial implications. Other women do it out of fear. Their partners may also push them. to do it. There are many ladies who have terminated pregnancy as a result of rape.
A doctor will recommend it, when an expectant mother is in danger of losing her life and that of the baby. When you think about it, it is not easy to fall on one side. A lot of issues are involved and each case is different. In the United States 52% of all abortions are performed by girls below 25 years. Increased sexual activity in young people is one of the major causes of the unplanned pregnancy. This being just a tip of the topic, there is so much more to think about as long as the name abortion continues to exist.

Women who are mentally unstable may also go for abortion. If you are a lady grappling with the thought of abortion, you need to take time and really think of implications. First it is vital to establish whether it is legal or illegal in your country or state. The other thing it is safety. In the developing world, 70% of all back street abortions cause some form of complication or infection. Before you act, think of your emotional health. Are you strong enough to stand by what you believe? If you lack the finances to bring up the child, think about people who can help. In many countries there are agencies that are set up by the government or NGO's to facilitate adoption and to assist young mothers. Consider talking to somebody before you act. Talk to people who you can trust to guide you in the right way. Choose people with a moral authority to advice.
After you have considered the above, it all depends on your decision. Whatever you choose, stand by it.